
Menampilkan postingan dari Maret, 2012

buku linguistics buku linguistic

karakteristik Opini mor.fem [n Ling] satuan bentuk bahasa terkecil yg mempunyai makna secara relatif stabil dan tidak dapat dibagi atas bagian bermakna yg lebih kecil Referensi: sin.tak.sis [n Ling] (1) pengaturan dan hubungan kata dng kata atau dng satuan lain yg lebih besar; (2) cabang linguistik tt susunan kalimat dan bagiannya; ilmu tata kalimat; (3) sub-sistem bahasa yg mencakup hal tsb Referensi: [n Ling] pengimbuhan afiks yg tidak bersifat infleksi pd bentuk dasar untuk membentuk kata Referensi: [n Ling] perubahan bentuk kata (dl bahasa fleksi) yg menunjukkan berbagai hubungan gramatikal (spt deklinasi nomina, pronomina, adjektiva, dan konjugasi verba) Referensi:

Compound sentences

Compound sentences => Sentence which consist of two simple sentences each contains { Subject + Predicate + Compliment/ Object} Compound sentences with semicolons [;] A third way to form a compound sentences is to connect the two independent clauses with a semicolon alone : Example : Poland was the first Eastern European country to turn away from communism ; others soon followed   at that example the blue one is Independent Clause and the purple too. and related each other this kind of compound sentence is possible only when the two independent clauses are closely related in meaning. If they are not closely related, they should be written as two simple sentences, each ending with a period.    Example :  The practice of yoga strengthens the body and promotes flexibility ; it also strengthens the mind and refreshes the soul {addition combine, Similar idea} Motherhood causes some women to quit her jobs ; other continue working despite having young chil...

resolusi di semester tiga..

ida gak mau tau.. ida gak pernah peduli.. ida gak pernah ngerti.. .. ida gak bisa mencoba hal2 yang bikin challenges ida gak tau betapa sulitnya hidup untuk di pahami sekaliii saja tapi di SEmester Tiga ini ida mau

isra' and mi'raj

what's the meaning of Isra' and Mi'raj those are part of arabic Isra' means trvel of prophet Muhammad SAW from
Language is a system arbitrary (vocal, symbols) using by human being for communication  pragmatics came because of semantics  For example >> Orange juice is fresh } Reality think = semantics                      >> when you visit your friend's home and you tired because the weather was so hot you said " Orange juice is so fresh" } it show that you need something to refresh your mouth such orange juice = Pragmatics language Characteristics >> Symbol, Vocal and System Differences between human language and animal language is Hemisphere {the human's brain part which unavailable in animals} Human is an Homosignan beings [ being who always looking for signs] fersinand de sausure [ Father of Linguistics]


ahai ida udah nemuin sesuatu yang baru yang belum ida temuin . ini baru barang bagus yupzz

idul fitri and meaning of apologize

sometimes i feel that apologize someone just at Idul Fitri moment, actually it not only at Idul Fitri but also whenever we got something wrong wit someone.  it musn't wait for Idul fitri to say that you have so many

ngiri gw..

gw liat ka Ambar balik kerja sama suaminya.. naik motor terus pelukan???? sungguh buat gw itu pemandangan yang paling romantis.. ya ialah..gimana engga. Mereka udah halal secara sah dibanding sama kita2 yang baru pacaran aja udah pegang sana-sini. aduh mereka itu cocok dan serasi banget kalo gw rasa tapi udah lama nikah mereka belum di kasih anak, atau emang belum dititipin kali ya?? tapi ya gw do'a in aja deh mereka cepet2 dapet momongan abis keduanya baik banget.. kalo ngomong pada sopan dan seruu!!! pengen gw kaya mereka.. 


An Introduction to  Philosophy Chapter 1 :   Introduction PHILOSOPHY and WONDER Aristotle thought that Philosophy begins in wonder.  Wonder is some thing children do quite well.  It comes natural to them.  Unfortunately as a lot of us grow older we stop wondering and stop questioning and stop attempting to look at things in new ways or non-traditional ways.  We are rewarded for our acceptance and conformity to what is accepted by most people, for our adoption of whatever is popular.  Some of us stop wondering altogether.  Consider two "Stories"  One night a young mother brought her son (age 7) to class at the college where I was teaching an evening class.  Her babysitter was not able to be with her son that night.  Well I entered the room and he was sitting in a desk next to his mom and was looking in a book and later was coloring in coloring books.  At the time I was about the same age as his mom.  We sat around in...

Islam Pada Masa Rasulullah SAW

Join and accompanied with Habasya empire was the way to spread Islamic religion because Habasya has political and merchandising strength.  Ethiopia as connecting between East ethnics and African Business Opportunity such merchant causes East ethnics stay still in Africa  Suwaihili language is combine language between Arabic and Language rounding as transaction language in trade center.  That was influence of Arabic ethnics who rich as Model  Jawi language use Arabic script which modificate to letter of around that place language  Persia has high cultural however it can accept Arabic language as national language with different spell Aus ethnics and hajrah (strongest ethnics in Economics and politics) use hide way come on to Rasulullah SAW to get more info about Islamics in MIna, finally it makes Rasulullah move on to Madinah Invasion of Badar, Uhud, Tabik, Naibar dan Hunain as obstacle of Islamic da'wah serious mistake w...


       Meaning from dictionary : "Search for general understanding of values and reality by chiefly speculative means" Based on Robert paul wolff : is an activity whose guiding principle is reason and whose goal is critical self understanding " Philosophy critical examination of the way in which judge, evaluate and act with the aim of making ourselves wiser, more self reflective therefore better man and woman.  Question, Attitudes. and methods Methods ,                 Characterisitics                           Questions,     Knowledge/truth        , Good,  beauty       God       Justice , Freedoom , Mind  , Reality Attitudes, Troubled , Wondering ,doubting, reflective, undogmatic. open-minded,unemotional,Rational Methods        Logical   ...

membandingkan dua bacaan dan mengindentifikasikannya

 cerpen karya Seno Gumira Ajidarma   dengan.... Jalan Panjang Tragedi itu  ...    dari segi gaya bahasa ; JPTI lebih mementingkan gaya bahasa formal dalam format berita atau argumentasi tidak terlalu di lebai2kan seperti menggunakan Majas atau gaya bahasa. Clara lebih ke bahasa formal dalam bentuk cerpen yang mudah dimengerti walaupun banyak menggunakan majas justru itulah yang membuat feel sastra'nya lebih tertera dan kelihatan.. seperti menggunakan kata 'merah' pada awal crpen yang mengisyaratkan sebuah Etnis china yang memiliki warna persis seperti PKI ..banyak juga gaya bahasa seni seperti 'barangkali aku seorang anjing, barangkali aku seorang babi' menggunakan imajinasi yang membuat pembaca seperti berada dalam cerita. Kisah : JPTI lebih mementingkan Nara sumber dan data yang aku...

BBC World News: 'Impact Asia' (2010)

cocok banget ..buat diriku yang pengen belajar jadi presenter VOA .. huuuh Aminn!!

Antara Dilema dan dilemu haha

Rasanya sulit buat gw mengerti tentang apa itu arti cinta dan sayang yg sebenernya gw pun baru paham ini sekarang!!!... bagaimanapun rasa ini gak mungkin bisa gw paksa sekalipun ada orang yang sayang sama gw melebihi yg lain… salah? Gw gk pernah merasa brsalah dan menyalahkan orang lain selama dia engga mengganggu pikiran dan kehidupan gw. Dia juga ga mungkin bisa melakukan itu selama keberaniannya Cuma sedikit!! Temen2 gw tau kalo hal itu emang baik kalo dijalanin atau mencoba utnuk menjalaninya ,, tapi yakin ga? Kalo suatu saat gw jalanin sama dia dan itu bakalan bikin hal yang bikin lebih menyakitkan dari sekedar ini, kecewa? Mungkin? Gw akan merasa kan seperti itu ketika suatu saat gw bilang kalo gw udah bersama yang lain… salah? Tentu engga, gw punya hak buat bisa berhubungan sama siapapun.. yang gw anggep dia bisa biking w nyaman walaupun cueknya minta ampun sampe gw dianggep kaya bukan pacarnya!!! Huh Sakit? Emang lah siapa juga yg ga sakit kalo digituin.. tpi selama gw nya...


GENRE OF LITERATURE POEM         Ballad story about life         Epic, history         Ode ,ratapan         Lyrics, musical       Naratif, penceritaan , tidaak padat P  PROSE         Fiction         Short story, novel         Non fict         Bioghraphy’ ditulis oleh org lain         Essay       Autbioghraaphhy, ditulis sendiri Drama / play        Berawal dari sebuah pementasan yang dilakoni oleh kaum laki2 ttg dewa laut, langit dan bumi.. yg sebelumnya blum diketahui tentang Drama/play  Literature/ sastra sering dikaitkan dengan keindaha...