Lexical and Gramatical analysis of old Indonesian language

UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta
Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris

Language origin is essentially important part of nation identity and history. Our beloved motherland, Indonesia known as maritime nations which have various tribes and argots. In this case, the diversity did not make a conflict but actually strengthen unity and integrity inside the nations. Sourced from third verse of “Youth Pledge” (Sumpah Pemuda) in 1982, which is states in old Indonesian language : “Kami poetera poeteri Indonesia, mendjoendjoeng bahasa persatoean, bahasa Indonesia” (“History of Youth Pledge”, 2011). According to this statement, Indonesianhave esthablished their mother language since 1982, a year before independence year which is in 1945. This means Indonesia have begun to cocern the position of linguistics in their nation. The process of language establishment in Indonesia can not be sparated from early form language of Indonesia, which as history said was from Malay.
It proven by Ki Hajar Dewantara Statement in Indonesian Linguistics Congress I (Kongress Bahasa Indonesia I) in Solo, 1938 (Kridalaksana, 1991, p.2). Which clarify Indonesian language is from Malay but have revised by specialized liguists according to era needs of Indonesia nations. The development of language on Indonesian can be seen from the changes of lexical and gramatical of language it self, especially throughorthography. Spelling have unique position in the development of Malay and Indonesian(Kridalaksana, 1991, p.270). Therefore, this essay attemps to research the difference lexical and gramatical between old Indonesian and modern Indonesian on the old Indonesian article taken from Tempo newspaper in Jan 4, 2013 titled “Disamber Alap-alap”.

Theoretical Framework
The comparative and historical linguistics which view the development of language through the changes of orthography is the background theory of this analysis. Robins (1989) mentioned on his book about the result of the changes of sound basic formly from the changes of a way to interact and social influences, also with the historical implication.In the history of orthography itself, before Indonesia have a standard form of spelling, Van Ophuijsen spelling which published in his works Kitab Logat Melajoe in 1901 (Kridalaksana, 1991, p.271) become official spelling of Malay in dutch colonial territory. In Indonesia itself, two years after the independence The Education Minister, Soewandi, simplified Van Ophuijsen spelling into new Indonesian spelling known as Soewandi spelling. Then at Indonesian Linguistics Congress II in 1954, Indonesia renewed Indonesian spelling known as 1957 renewer system (sistem Pembaharuan 1957). Unfortunately, this system never obtained.

While in Malay peninsula, there was committee formed by Federation of MalayaGovernment (Pemerintah Persekutuan Tanah Melayu) and lead by R. J. Wilkinson. They establish malay spelling called Wilkinson spelling. Then Za’ba spelling appear in Malayan Schools. Asian dawn spelling emerged between  malayan writer in 50 centuries. Actually, this spelling was composed during Japan colonialism era. In order to make a good cooperation between Federation of Malaya and Indonesia, suggestion of new spelling which named The Joint Announcement Malay-Indonesian Spelling (Pengumuman Bersama Bahasa Melayu-Indonesia) or also called Melindo Spellinghasestablished in 1959 by Commission of Indonesian-Malay Cooperation Implementation (Komisi Pelaksanaan Kerjasama Bahasa Indonesia-Melayu), which lead by Slametmuljana. Despite because confrontation, spelling did not applied at last.

There was similar effort to regenerate Indonesian spelling at the end of the controversy in 1966 (Kridalaksana, 1991, p.272). Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture formed a commission lead by Anton M. Moeliono to makenew plan of spelling system. A new concept was proposed and consulted with Syed Nasir bin Ismail afterward. He is the leader of Malay Spelling committee. Then as a result, the new form of spellling was well submitted to both Royal Malaysia and Indonesian government. This form of spelling named New Malay Spelling (Ejaan Baru Bahasa Melayu) in Malay and named 1966 New Spelling in Indonesia (Kridalaksana, 1968). Subsequently, 1966 New Spelling was regenerate by commission which lead by I.B. Mantra. The new official form of spelling named The Enhanced Spelling (Ejaan Yang Disempurnakan) was inaugurated finally by President Soeharto through Government Law on 57 in 1972 in front of House of Representatives. Indonesian use and continuously evolve The Enhanced Spelling since then.Furthermore, the comparison of analysis between old Indonesian and modern Indonesian is needed in order to interpret the differentiation between spelling which was used in the past and the present. Sometimes sequence of internal transformation occur in phonological and grammatical history of language (Robins, 1989, p.421). Consequently, the analysis will refer to  lexical and grammatical changes in the old Indonesian article. And also the writter attempt to translate of old Indonesian into modern Indonesian which has applied in Indonesia.

Lexical and Grammatical Transformation Analysis
Old Indonesian article in Tempo newspaper titled “Disamber Alap-alap” is discourse corpus which will be analyzed by the writter. The article publish in Pantjaran Warta newspaper in date January 4th 1913, which now the article republishin Tempo newspaper in date January 4th 2013. Structurally, old Indonesian spelling and sentence in this article is different from modern Indonesia which now people use at this time. The old Indonesian article which have translated into modern Indonesian through The Enhanced Spelling (Ejaan Yang Disempurnakan) system are :
Disamber Alap-alap
Pancaran Warta
4 Januari 1913
            Seorang perempuan Bumiputera yang baru datang dari Cikandepergi ke rumah saudaranya di Gang Gatep karena ada suatu urusan. Dengan tanpa sebab, perempuan itu sudah melenyapkan diri dari rumah saudaranya. Berselang dua hari, orang-orang menemukan perempuan yang hilang itu berada di sebuah rumah pelesiran. Tampaknya, perempuan itu sudah disambar alap-alap berkepala hitam.

The transform of lexical and grammatical emerged from the changes of spelling in each sentence in the article. The first sentence which stated :
Seorang prampoean boemipoetra jang baroe dateng dari Tjikande lantaran ada satoe oeroesan pada badoe ini dia dateng keroemah soedaranja di Gang Gatep.
First step in the development of method on historical linguistics is try to find equivalences of uniformity phonetic; we consider the equivalences as concequences of transformation which we called phonetic transformation (Bloomfield, 1933, p.336).However the phonetic transformation turns into the transformation of written form in its application. Base on this theory, there are some grapheme transformations such as; in Old Indonesian (OI) Pantjaran while in Modern Indonesia (MI) is Pancaran(look at tabel 1). The usage of is not active anymore, it changes with . Similar with word (OI) Tjikande. In word (OI) Boemipoetra, it turns into (MI) Bumiputera which turns into (similar transform with words : baroe, satoe, oeroesan) and there is middle between and .It is also happen to (OI) prampoean which turn into word (MI) perempuan (KBBI, 2013), but appear between and , then which appear after changes into . Word (OI) jang which is turn into . The theory of phonetic transformation appear both in Robins’s (1989) and Moeliono & Darjdowidjojo’s (1988) through theorems of phonotactics. Which the grapheme in word (OI) dateng changes into . Then in word (OI) keroemah, ke is not prefix because there is noun word after ke (Moeliono & Darjdowidjojo, 1988, p.92). So, ke should be split from roemah while changes into on it. Consequently, keroemah turns into ke rumah. (OI) Soedaranja become (MI) Saudaranya, because the to is not applied to this word because is not read as but ,then changes into . And the last word (OI) badoe which turns into badu, unfortunately it changes into baduy. According to its true meaning word Baduy was from Arabic language which it originally words was; Badu or Badaw means the sea of sand (Djoewisno, 1986, p. 5). But the meaning it self is changed, name Baduy for Kanekes villagers actually not coming from themselves, but from outside image growing. Dutchman called them with name Badoe’i, Badoej, Badoewi, urang kanekes, dan Rawayan (Garna, 1992, p. 2). The changes of semantic happened at that time, word Baduy not means just for Kanekes villagers. This word is an imagery of all citizens which live in Banten. The unchanged words are; seorang, dari, lantaran, ada, pada, ini, dia, di, and Gang Gatep.
In second sentence which stated:
Dengan tiada satoe sebab, itoe soedara prempoean soedah melinjapkan diri dari roemah dia poenja soedara.
The changes into re-occur in words; satoe, itoe, soedah, roemah. It also occur in word (OI) poenja, also with the changes into as it explained before. In word (OI) melinjapkan which is turn into melenyapkan because the root linjap it self is changing into lenyap (KBBI, 2013). Which is have ‘konfiks’ (In Indonesian), Combination of prefix and suffix which formed an entity is called konfiks (Moeliono & Darjdowidjojo, 1988, p. 27). The konfiks which root linjap have are me- and -kan, so it make hereditarily konfiks to (MI) lenyap become (MI) melenyapkan. The unchanged words in this sentence are ; Dengan, tiada, sebab, diri, and ia.
Then in third sentence which stated:
Kemoedian berselang doea hari itoe prampoean jang linjap orang dapet ia ada di satoe roemah plesiran.
The transformation in into re-occur in words; kemoedian, doea. Word (OI) dapet have changing into dapat (KBBI, 2013). And word plesiran have between and (KBBI, 2013). Then the unchanged words are berselang, hari, orang, and ia.
The last, fourth sentence which stated:
Kaloe diliat begitoe itoe prampoean soeda kena disamber alap-alap kepala item.
Word (OI) kaloe is not turn into kalu, but (MI) kalau. beause in old Indonesian spelling this word is read ‘kalu:’ but in modern Indonesia, it reads ‘kalaw’. So ‘kalaw’ is turn into kalau in written side. It named bilabial semi-vowel /w/ (Moeliono & Darjdowidjojo, 1988, p. 59).Word diliat which root is liat become lihat (KBBI, 2013), so prefix di- hereditiarily to lihat, it become (MI) dilihat.The changing grapheme with re-occur in (OI) begitoe. (OI) Soeda become (MI) sudah, with appear after. Word item is becoming hitam officially (KBBI, 2013). Word (OI) disamber turn into (MI) disambar (similar explanation with word dateng or dapet). The unchanged words are kena, alap-alap, and kepala.

Innovations which turn lexical meaning and not the function transformation of grammatical form, classified as meaning transform or semantic transform (Bloomfield, 1933, p. 411).If it structured without the semantic views, the sentence will ungrammatical both in structure and whole meanings.
Example of the translation without considering the semantics views :
Seorang perempuan Bumiputera yang baru datang dari Cikande lantaran ada satu urusan pada baduy ini dia dateng ke rumah saudaranya di Gang Gatep. Dengan tiada satu sebab, itu saudara perempuan sudah melenyapkan diri dari rumah ia punya saudara. Kemudian berselang dua hari itu perempuan yang lenyap orang dapat ia ada di satu rumah pelesiran. Kalau dilihat begitu itu perempuan sudah kena disamber alap-alap kepala hitam.

Now the ambiguous appear, because the sentence is not effective. The semantics transform takes one of important role to contruct the effective sentence. Nevertheless indirectly related to comparative linguistics, the semantics transform was very relevant with historical languanges study (Robins, 1989, p. 23). The analysis of meanings and structure of sentence will be described each sentence, which the first sentence :
Seorang perempuan Bumiputera yang baru datang dari Cikandelantaran ada satu urusan pada
                                    Subject            (S)                                                                  Adverb (Adv)
baduy inidiadatengke rumah saudaranya di Gang Gatep.
     (S)   (S)Verb (V)    Object (O)

According to this classification, the sentence is not proportional. The position of each phrases is not suitable, it should moved or changed by another word which can interpret the meanings of sentence. The effectiveness of sentence appear when sentence can interpret the main idea of sentence through less word, but also with well grammatical. Find the shortest form (Kridalaksana, 1991, p. 325). So it is important to choose the most fuctional subject, verb, object and adverb. For this statement there are 3 subject, so we choose most effective phrases which is :
Seorang perempuan Bumiputera yang baru datang dari Cikande
Then if it connected with verb, object and adverb, there is still ungrammatical. So the word datang is changed with pergi. And the word lantaran changed with karena. Then word satu change into suatu to complete the grammatical.And the secondsentence:
Dengan tiada satu sebab, itu saudara perempuansudah melenyapkan diridari rumah ia punya
            Adverb                                                Subject                                    Verb                            Object
In this sentence, subject phrases can be shorten into perempuan itu. Tiada satu sebab can be changed with tanpa sebab. And rumah ia punya saudara in object can be more efficiently by changed with rumah saudaranya. Then, the phrases complete each other in effective sentence when it combined.Next, the third sentence :
Kemudian berselang dua hariitu perempuan yang lenyaporang dapat iaadadi satu rumah
            Adv                                                                 Subject                                    Verb    Object

Word kemudian is not necessary in adverb, so it can be taken out. After adverb, verb can be put there but word orang replace with orang-orang and word lenyap replace with hilang, then structure is reconstruct into orang-orang menemukan perempuan yang hilang itu. Then put verb which word ada is placed with prefix ber-, become berada to strain the sentence. Satu replaced with suatu, suit it each other grammatically. The sentence become shorten and full meanings.
The last is fourth sentence :
Kalau dilihat begituitu perempuansudah kena disamber alap-alap kepala hitam.
            Adverb                        Subject                                    Verb                            Object

Replace adverb with tampaknya, because it has similar meaning (KBBI, 2013). Switch the elements of subject grammatically into perempuan itu. Word kena is not necessary because the meaning still shown without it. Put prefix ber- on kepala just for strain the sentence. The differrence of the well spelling now can be clearly appear.

Comparison and Conclusion
Language developing continuously since ancient era until today. There are many efforts from linguists and society to construct the official language. As the proverb says; ‘no pain no gain’, Indonesia finally have it own official language after several failed efforts in many years. The official mother languange which is Indonesian. That can not be denied is from evolution of Malay language according to history.The spelling which is used now in Indonesia is was the evolution of Malay spelling too. After several events and confrontations in society, the official spelling esthabilsed in Indonesia. Nowadays, the usage of Indonesian spelling in Modern Indonesian which is The The Enhanced Spelling is highly occur in schools, even it has prioritized.

Abdurrosyid (2008) summarized to discover the mistery of origin language is very appealing, providing people from ancient age to the modern one conducted experimental researches. Then through the analysis, comparison between old Indonesian article and translated article which in modern Indonesian purely show the development of Indonesian. In grammatical analysis, the tranformation of grapheme can be seen in ol Indonesian words. More word is invented in order to change the ineffectiveness of word usage. Also the comparison of old Indonesian structure with modern Indonesian structure which he movement of structure makes sentence more simple to write, read and to understand. In Lexical analysis, there are many words which can desribe obviously than old Indonesian use in the past. The view of the next developing research of Indonesian by the linguists should be wider hopefully.

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1.      The spelling comparative  table in Indonesian. Taken from Kridalaksana Book titled Masa Lampau Bahasa Indonesia.

                                    (1)                                                                    (2)

2.      Tempo Newspaper on Friday, January 4th, 2013: Old Indonesian Article titled Disamber Alap-alap.

3.      The example words comparison in Old Indonesian and Modern Indonesian which on Article.

            Old Indonesian                      >          Modern Indonesian              
            Prampoean                                                                               Perempuan
                Boemipoetra                                                            Bumiputera
                Jang                                                                         Yang
                Baroe                                                                       Baru
                Dateng                                                                     Dateng
                Tjikande                                                                  Cikande
                Lantaran                                                                  Karena
                Satoe                                                                        Satu
                Badoe                                                                      Baday
                Keroemah                                                                                Ke rumah
                Soedaranja                                                                               Saudaranya
                Itoe                                                                          Itu
                Soedah                                                                     Sudah
                Melinjapkan                                                             Melenyapkan
                Roemah                                                                   Rumah
                Poenya                                                                     Punya
                Kemoedian                                                              Kemudian
Doea                                                                        Dua
Begitoe                                                                     Begitu


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